Setup Menus in Admin Panel

This package includes +95 videos Practice Files Advanced MS Powerpoint Training 2 out of 3 courses on Powerpoint , Access and Word Certificate 60 Days Extension for the 2 optional courses on Powerpoint , Access and Word READ MORE
  FUNCTIONS FOR SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT:   Introduction This course from Marigold Consult, touches broadly on how you can use Excel and its powerful features and functions to design, create or alter systems, and define the data to be processed by these systems with the sole aim of meeting specific objectives. The course shall give you an expert’s expose into a number of relevant functions and how you can tap into their characteristics and effects to establish new systems or refine existing ones to inject the needed efficiency, accuracy and robustness. Get to do some amazing things with the usual cells , rows and columns of data you see in traditional Excel documents with in-depth knowledge and expert approach to transforming your excel sheets into some complex and powerful systems processing and outputting powerful data and analysis. &nbsp LESS
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